Like a phoenix, the tennis team rises in district play

Freshman Jake McGuire serves in a doubles match against Birdville. McGuire made the varsity team as a freshman. Photo by Fatima Nova

Varsity tennis is taking wins left and right with a 4-0 record, winning their district matches against Saginaw, Birdville, Lake Dallas, and Eaton High School.

Last Fall season their district record was 1-5.

“This year, it’s been so much better because we’ve actually been successful,” senior Alicia Randall said, “We’re seeing the hard work that we put in being returned as success.”

One of the reasons behind this winning season is the “potent team dynamic,” Randall said.

Physically, the team conditions and hits during their eighth period until 5:45 p.m. Some players even stay after practice or come to the courts on the weekends to prepare for matches.

Mentally, the team works together, constantly trying to improve as a whole. With the constant support and help of one another, Randall said, teammates become better players.

The team has certain ways they prepare for challenging district matches, like when they play Boswell High School today.

“Everyone’s always excited before matches,” sophomore Caitlin Souvannavong said, “The coaches and our captains give speeches about how we should be during that match and (that) we should keep fighting during that match.”

Sophomores Ally Auger and Caitlin Souvannavong lead during a match against Birdville Sept. 15. Photo by Darany Vannithone
Sophomores Ally Auger and Caitlin Souvannavong lead during a match against Birdville Sept. 15. Photo by Darany Vannithone

The success of the team is definitely not going unrecognized. More than just fellow tennis players and their parents are attending the matches.

“We had our very own Dr. Barnes come out and watch us. Some of my friends recently were at out game against Birdville. It was awesome,” sophomore D’Andre Bruman said. “I didn’t even ask them to come out there. They just came out and watched me play.”

The successful season has meant showing up one of their biggest rivals.

“We played them (Saginaw High School) the past three years and were unsuccessful in beating them,” Randall said. “We literally made history for the school by beating them.”

So far, things seem to be running smoothly for the team, although they’re set to play the number one team in the state as their last district match of the fall season.

“I feel like if we go out there and prove we’re not gonna be pushed over by Grapevine, I think we will be in a good position,” Randall said. “So schools will know, hey, they’re not someone to mess with.”