For the Love of Pink

Pink socks. Pink tees. Pink eye black.

Varsity volleyball player Kaycie Spindor and her teammates played with a little extra enthusiasm surrounded by pink on Tuesday, October 8.

The Lady Rangers volleyball team raised money for breast cancer awareness through a game known as Dig Pink.

“We call it Dig Pink because we raise money for each dig that the defense hits,” said JV Volleyball Coach Jeana Schweikhard.

Although the volleyball players don’t change their uniforms for the cause, JV players were able to wear pink headbands, socks or shoelaces, said Schweikhard.

The change in uniform didn’t stop them from playing their best.

Because the game is for a cause close to their hearts, Spindor said she believes that her team members played with a bit more spirit that night.

The coach said she sees them playing with a little something extra, too.

“We did this last year and they played lights out when we counted every dig. I wish we could do it all five games!” said Schweikhard. “It’s not for them, it’s for a good cause so it makes them play better.”

The team also encouraged breast cancer survivors to attend the game. To help support breast cancer awareness, the team sent out invitations to their families.

JV Volleyball player Brittany Cooper said the most memorable moment was when the breast cancer survivors stood and the varsity team brought them pink flowers.

The survivors weren’t the only ones receiving surprises. The crowd was able to catch some pink souvenirs made by the team.

The Varsity team threw pink volleyballs personalized with their names and numbers on it. “A little girl caught it and she was walking around with it holding on to it for dear life,” said Dr. David Sutton,

English teacher.

The girls are excited to play games for a cause such as breast cancer because they sympathize.

“We want to support the cure because we are women and we could get it too,” Spindor said.