On the Trail: A Q&A with Emma Mooneyham

Junior Emma Mooneyham recently injured her collarbone off the mat, but will wrestle for the Rangers again this upcoming season.

Emma Mooneyham has recently proven that she not only wrestles successfully for the Rangers but beyond the Trail as well. With a collection of wins in state competitions, and her new “All-American” status from placing 8th at the USA Wrestling National Championships, Mooneyham revealed some of what you can’t see on the mat.


Q:  What made you want to be a wrestler?

A: I just decided in middle school that I’m not coordinated whatsoever. I can’t do anything with a ball. I’m an okay runner, but I just have strength.


Q: Do you deal with any issues being a female wrestler?

A: Oh, no, not at all. Actually they said I’m like one of the guys. I kind of want to be a girl but that’s ok, I’ve accepted it. You go in and I love it. You just go in and you’re expected to work your hardest every day.


Q: How do you gear up for a match?

A: I listen to Eminem. Yes, I get violent, but I also have to remember that I have God, and I know this may sound really cheesy, but every time before a tournament—I don’t care if it’s freestyle or folk style—as long as [it’s] a live tournament, I put Job 22:25 on my side. So you have to believe in yourself and in God to win.


Q: Where did you travel for your tournament? Was anything set up differently?

A: I traveled to Fargo, North Dakota. The weather is great. I’m looking into going to college there because I love the coach and they have a great nursing program and their women’s wrestling program is very hands-on.


Q: Is school wrestling different from what you did this summer?

A: There are two different types of wrestling. Folk style is what we do here at school, and freestyle is what I did over the summer. It’s a lot more throws, a lot more fast paced, and you learn that you can get beaten a lot faster and you can beat people a lot faster. Folk style has a lot more rules and is more about strength.


Q: Tell me about your life outside of wrestling.

A: This is kind of depressing but there’s not really one. I do everything for wrestling, but I do have a really big family. I hang out with a lot of people and a lot of wrestlers.