Return to Normal Not so Easy

Return to Normal Not so Easy

In a world overrun with social media and the internet, educational landscapes are changing. Freshman Precious Nkenyero, who is a Charmer, is overwhelmed and exhausted after returning to in person learning.  

I didn’t realize how much I would struggle returning to in-person,” she said. “I am still trying to get used to being back and adapting. I feel that adjusting to in-person on top of being new to high school is a bit overwhelming. The stress is what’s really getting to me.”   

After 6 months to a year (or longer for some students) of remote learning, the transition to in-person testing has proven to be a struggle. Administrators expected some bumps along the way, but after 2 months of in-person learning, things don’t seem to be getting easier yet.  

I’m glad I’m able to be back in person, but boy, it sure is harder than online,” Precious said. “I have felt pressured in the way of studying for a test and mesmerizing all that I have learned. Time management plays a part in the fact that when I was online, I had no problem with finding room to study and it was easier to keep track of things on a computer.” 

While many students have navigated away from traditional studying and more toward online tutorials and methods, it makes sense that the transition back to in-person learning would be difficult. Junior Kmari Gale believes the option of turning tests in at any time of day made online testing easier.  

“I could use my resources almost whenever I wanted online, and I could turn in a test at whatever time that day it was given,” he said. “Being online, I didn’t get anxiety when taking test because I knew there was no one watching me. When you were online you also could have until 11:59 p.m. to turn in test which took a big weight off my shoulders.”  

Despite the struggle, there are students who have welcomed in-person learning and testing warmly. Sophomore cross country runner Cacheline Ebindabkeba is happy to be back in school. 

“I feel more excited and pumped up this year,” she said. “I haven’t had any problems since coming back. No pressure and less stress actually.”  

Cacheline also relies on resources offline to guide her studying and test taking. In a world of search engines, where they have everything at their fingertips, some students still rely on one-on-one tutorials, books and dictionaries.  

“At times I would use google as a dictionary but in person I can also get access to a dictionary,“ Cacheline said. “ There isn’t much you can’t do in person if you put your mind to it.” 

While some students struggled and some excelled at online testing, it’s safe to assume the educational landscape has changed going forward. One thing is certain: getting to be around their friends again is helping students cope with the struggles of in-person testing. Cacheline and Kmari both enjoyed seeing their friends. 

“I’m happy we all got the chance to come back to school, it’s been a while and being home 24/7 was extremely boring,” Cacheline said.  

“I know one thing for sure,” Kmari said. “Being around my friends again is definitely worth the struggle.”