Senior takes Twitter followers to ‘Candy Shop’

Kendal Fowler, Staff Reporter

Senior Ashton Hodge posted a video created with the Acapella app that viewers retweeted more than 50,000 times since she shared it Nov. 2.

In the video, Hodge sings the lyrics and background music to “Candy Shop” by 50 Cent. Her face appears in four frames.

Hodge said she got the idea after seeing another Acapella video on Twitter.

“Oh, that would be so fun,” she said.

Then, she had to choose a song.

Hodge said, “I just went through my songs and I was trying to find a good song and Candy Shop happened to be the one.”

She didn’t expect the video to go viral at all.

“I think people shared it because they thought it was really funny, hopefully.”

Hodge said she will probably make other videos in the future.

“I’ve just gotta figure out what songs I want to do.”