April’s Rockin ‘ It Ranger Freshman Nicole Jensen

Get to know the student selected by her teachers for Rockin’ It Ranger

Ariana Garcia, Editor

Nicole Jensen was nominated the freshman class’ Rockin’ Ranger for this month.

“I was surprised when I found out I got the award,” Nicole said. “I usually stay to myself and I never really feel noticed.”

High school is a big transition for a lot of students, but Nicole loves it.

” I just love that most of the teachers seem to really care about us,” Nicole said. “They’re understanding and so non-judgmental.”

On top of being a freshman, Nicole also participates on JV tennis and plays the clarinet in the band.

“I love the tennis tournaments because they’re interactive,” Nicole said. “And for Band, nothing is like this second family I’ve made here.”

In her free time, Nicole like to spend her time reading “anything fictional” she can get her hands on and art.

“Basically it’s just drawing,” Nicole said. “It’s really just relaxing for me.”