Getting To Know April’s Sophomore Rockin’ It Ranger: Jeshaevia Young

Yaneisha Lee Hackett, Reporter

Getting to know Rockin’ It  Ranger: Jeshaevia Young

Q. What do you think your purpose is here at Chisholm?

A. My purpose here is to work hard, do the best I can, and help others.

Q. What are your plans after high school?

A. I want to go business school to start my own daycare.

Q. What are your hobbies

A. I like to sing, dance, and read.

Q. How do you feel about being Rockin’ It Ranger?

A. I am very proud because it shows everyone that I work hard and continue to work hard.

Q. Why do you think you were nominated?

A. I’m a good student, and I help others.

Q. What is your biggest fear?

A. I’m afraid to fail.

Q. Is there anything you want to see more of?

A. Students to be close, because there’s too much drama

Q. What motivates you to stay positive?

A. My parents because they want me to do good and accomplish, so they raised me to be positive.