Logan Slaboda Wins Rockin’ It Ranger Award for Sophomore Class

Abby Rojas, Editor

Sophomore Logan Slaboda was chosen to represent her class for the second round of Rockin’ It Ranger Awards for her outstanding behavior and ability to carry the torch every day.  

Logan says that one of her biggest motivations to come to school with a positive attitude is her friends and family.  

“Coming to see my friends definitely motivates me,” she said. “It’s fun to see them, and we all like to compete so that makes every day pretty fun. My parents for sure are also big positive influences for me. They help me on homework when I need it, and they get me to school on time every day. They are just always there no matter what.” 

Although she comes to school and works hard, Logan admits that there are some challenges she faces on a daily basis. 

“Hard classes and keeping up with grades can definitely be hard,” Logan said. “I have been in AP and pre-AP classes since the very beginning, and being in volleyball definitely puts in more work. As a student athlete, there were late game nights and then having to do homework afterwards, but it also helps keep a balance with grades because you have to pass to play. Thankfully, our coach is very on us about making sure we’re doing everything we need to do.” 

Although she is still two years away from finishing high school, Logan has already made plans for what she wants to do after graduation.  

“I want to go into animal rehabilitation,” she said. “I want to go to Tarleton for that because they have a good Agriculture program that I would really like to join.” 

Logan says that she enjoys her environment at CTHS and that one of her favorite things in the school is when everyone is really in the school spirit. 

“During football season, the atmosphere and the support during sports games and just those kinds of fun activities are something I just really enjoy,” Logan said. “During game days and pep rallies, everyone is incredibly supportive.”