Junior Dylan Fox Wins Rockin’ It Ranger Award For February

Abby Rojas, Editor

When the teachers chose their nominees for the Rockin’ It Ranger Awards for February a few weeks ago, over 100 students were nominated, junior Dylan Fox among them.

Dylan has already made several plans for what he wants to do after he graduates, including what career he has chosen to pursue.  

“After high school I plan on going to college or to an automotive school, which is pretty much a school where you learn to fix cars,” Dylan said. “Working towards good grades for automotive school and my future career plans are what motivate me to work hard every day.” 

However, working towards what he wants has not always been an easy process for Dylan. 

“Being a new student at this school, it was hard for me to fit in and get to know everyone,” he said. “I was also struggling with my grades at the time. “ 

Although he faced several obstacles, Dylan found many ways to improve his circumstances and persevere through them.  

“A lot of my teachers have been helping me out this year by assisting me on work or giving me more work so that I can get better in class and earn better grades,” Dylan said. “Football also became a way to help me begin to fit in and meet people.” 

Dylan also has several people who encourage him and who have helped him continue with his plans. 

“One of my biggest inspirations at this school has been Coach Acton,” he said. “My parents are also the ones who have encouraged me in everything I do, and my family is always there to help me do better, along with my teachers and coaches.”