The Honeymoon Tour Concert Review

Dylan Noysavanh, Staff Reporter

I’ve been a fan since 2010, so I was beyond ecstatic to see Ariana even if I wasn’t front and Center. Her two opening acts were Cashmere Cat and Rixton.

If you didn’t already know, Cashmere Cat is a DJ who mainly produces and performs electronic dance music. Her other opening act was Rixton, a british band consisting of four males. Truth be told, I wasn’t excited (and quite frankly a little disappointed) that Ariana chose them to be part of her opening act.

Once Rixton performed a couple songs, I was surprised to find myself dancing and jumping to the beat. They really know how to entertain a crowd, and I believe that they managed to gain a lot of fans from performing. I know that my brother and I will definitely be purchasing their latest album, “Let The Road”.

A little after their performances, Ariana came on stage, greeted us, and started her concert with “Bang Bang.” I’m not a big fan of the song to begin with, and Ariana singing it by herself (she normally sings it with Jessie J and Nicki MInaj) seemed a little bit off. It’s like a three-layered dip, if you don’t have two thirds of the layer then it’s just bland.

She performed songs from her debut album and her latest album, which I expected. Out of all of the songs that she performed, my favorite was “Break Your Heart Right Back”. I’m a little biased because that song is definitely one of my favorites off her latest album. The performance itself wasn’t flashy or explosive but it was fun. Not that her other performances weren’t fun, but this one seemed to stand out to me. It must’ve been the simplicity of it.

Ariana had a lot of extreme transitions. She entered on a cloud for “Best Mistake” and I felt like it was creative, but not spectacular. All the cloud did was lift her into the air and back down again. She was on a chandelier when she sang “Right There”, It served the same purpose, but it was a little more spectacular because it sparkled from all of the lights being scattered around.

One of the highlights of the night was when she performed “Pink Champagne”. Not many people know about the song because it wasn’t announced to the public and was only released on her YouTube channel. Only the fans she had starting off knew about it and it was nice to hear it live.

Behind her was a big screen that provided visual effects as she sang. During a couple of short breaks, the audience viewed previously recorded videos from guests close to the star. One special video played that Ariana said, on Instagram recently, was her favorite part of the tour.

The video showed a conversion that she had with her Grandfather who passed away this year. Although he was addressing Ariana personally, I felt like the message of the recording could apply to everyone in that room.

He said, “Don’t let them Challenge you. Don’t let them intimidate you. And do your thing! That’s the only way to do it.”