46 States Away

After running her fourth race, Hudgens is one step closer to joining the 50 States Marathon Club

On Jan.19 Mika Hudgens ran the 26.2 mile Louisiana Marathon in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Photo courtesy of Mika Hudgens.

Math teacher Mika Hudgens doesn’t advertise all of her accomplishments in her “personal bio” on the school website so most wouldn’t know that she has run a marathon in Anchorage, Alaska.

And Washington D.C.

And Nashville, Tennessee.

And by looking at Hudgens’ “personal bio” most wouldn’t know that as of last Sunday she stepped closer to joining the 50 States Marathon Club.

On Jan. 19 Hudgens ran her fourth marathon in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, making her 46 states away from her goal.

However, Hudgens has not always known she wanted to run marathons. Although she was on her track and cross country team in high school, it was television that helped her decide to enter her first race.

“I remember watching the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles and watching the marathon,” Hudgens said. “I wanted to do that so when I moved to Fort Worth and they had the Cowtown [Marathon], I decided to sign up for it and train for it.”

Even though Hudgens hasn’t made it to the Olympics marathon, she has made it to some significant races.

One of the most memorable was the Marine Corps Marathon she ran in Washington D.C.

“That was the October after 9/11,” Hudgens said. “We ran past the Pentagon.”

In her recent race Hudgens has made running more than a solo exercise.

For her Baton Rouge marathon, she ran with a staff member from Saginaw High School. The pair practiced for the event by running four days a week on the Trinity Trail with friends and family.

“Safety in numbers,” Hudgens said with a laugh.

In the end, Hudgens’ running technique is simple: stay dedicated and reach the end.

“Now that I’m older I’m happy just to finish,” Hudgens said.