Wat-aah! Everywhere

The cafeteria recently began selling a new brand of water, and the attraction may be what's on the outside.
The cafeteria recently began selling a new brand of water, and the attraction may be what’s on the outside.

Wat-aah! is a new brand of water here at Chisholm Trail. It costs $1.00 a bottle as opposed to the $.75 Chisholm Trail water bottles, even though they both hold 16.9 fluid ounces. Although it’s more expensive, people are continuing to buy it.

I’m not buying it because it tastes different or gives me super powers or anything like that. I only buy Wat-aah! because it has a really cool label.

The label features a cartoon of a guy shouting, “Drink Wat-aah!”

There are different types of Wat-aah! bottles available; the pink bottle is pure spring water, the blue bottle is vapor distilled water with electrolytes, and the green bottle is water with oxygen.

There isn’t any difference between Wat-aah! and our Chisholm Trail water as far as taste goes, but I like to trick myself into thinking that it’s healthier than typical water.