Quick Change of Direction

Theater adjusts to their new director.

The cast of “The Most Lamentable Comedy and Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe” perform an ensemble scene in the Black Box Theater on October 19. Photo by Whitney Ford

Actors faced a unique challenge when theater performed their first production of the school year, “The Most Lamentable Comedy and Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe,” on Oct. 17, 19, and 20.

With their new Assistant Director Jesse Esquierdo, actors had to learn a different way to become their character than with Head Director David Kersh.

Sophomore Bethany Maxwell said that last year Kersh directed through an actor’s point-of-view which allowed them freedom to make many of their own choices. The cast became comfortable with his style of directing, but with this play had to act what Esquierdo imagined.

“[Esquierdo] wants to see us, he doesn’t want to hear us. He wants to see a different physicality,” Maxwell said.

Stage Manager Sabine Moreno was also aware of the actors’ struggle to get into character.

“They were so used to Kersh,” Moreno said. “With Kersh it’s what you think is right, if you want to move somewhere else he’ll go ‘oh you can do that’ or what you feel comfortable with. [With Esquierdo] it’s not what you decide, it’s what he decides.”

Maxwell believes that Kersh and Esquierdo wanted actors to experience both kinds of direction.

“Mr. Kersh has it like this, he wants Mr. Esquierdo to do it this year for this play so that we’re used to being pushed in both directions,” Maxwell said. “By the time [UIL] One-Act comes we have two different directions being pushed at us at once so that way we have nowhere to go but up.”

Kersh and Esquierdo are going to direct UIL One-Act play together in the spring this school year.

Although Esquierdo could not be reached for comment, Kersh said he is glad that students have been challenged.

“I think it’s very important for students to get a variety of different directing styles especially if they are going to go into [theater] in college,” Kersh said.

One thing the cast of the play can agree on is that they have changed because of this production.

“They have worked so hard and I’m really proud of them for going through this with a new director,” Moreno said.