Lost lunch liberties

Students abide by the new lunchtime procedures. Photo by Nicholas Alvarez.

Mark Miske, Staff Writer

Lunch at Chisholm Trail is like a totalitarian regime; students are herded into the cafeteria where they’re forced to stay for nearly an hour. It’s a loud obnoxious cesspool of noisy people, long lines, and irritating teachers who try to “keep us in line.” What makes the hour-long torture so terrible, though, are the pants-on-head stupid, arbitrary rules.

The new policies suggest that students are untrustworthy; that they need a constant authority figure over them so they don’t slip up. This really gives the impression that students cannot handle their own freedom.   We’re not middle school students anymore. Therefore, we should not be treated as such. Students should be allowed to eat lunch in any area of their choosing as long as they do not bother other students, faculty, or classes. Low traffic areas such as outside of the performing arts center or in the courtyard are great places to open up to students looking to get away from the cafeteria.

Students at lunch who are found disrupting other classes should get punished individually, rather than having the rest of the student body lose their lunch privileges due to students’ past mistakes.

Many of these changes are not too popular within the student body, and could use some major revisions. Students’ freedoms should not have to be limited to ensure the sanctity of a school environment.