Pageant Night Live Contestant Q&A’s

Chris Salas, Staff Reporter

Tonight is the first annual Pageant Night Live teacher pageant. In order to get to know the contestants better, we asked the participating teachers a few questions for the pageant. Their answers can be found below:


Paul Randall

Why did you enter the pageant?

Because I enjoy being a part of organizations here at CTHS, and when Mr. Krause informed us that this would also be a fundraiser for The Wounded Warrior Project I knew I had to be a part of it. My family has a rich military history and I jump at the chance to help organizations such as this one.

 If you could have any animal on Earth, which animal would you want? Why?

Hmm that’s a tough one. I think it would probably have to be some kind of feline. I am always amazed at how graceful and powerful the big cats are. Sorta that awe and terror thing all rolled into one. They are like the thrill ride of the animal kingdom!

 What is your favorite sound? Why?

Laughter, especially from kids 6 years and younger. It doesn’t matter what mood I am in, I can’t help but join in when I hear that.

 If you could have one song stuck in your head, for all eternity, what song would it be? Why?

Wow, another tough one. Music has always been a part of my life; in fact I thought briefly about getting a music degree instead of a visual art degree. There are SO many good songs to choose from, but I think I would have to go with – “I was made for you” by Martin Page. This song has and always will make me think of how I felt when I realized I was in love with the girl that would become my wife. Sappy but true (and 2015 marks 19 years of sappy!!)

If you were to write a book, what would you name it? Why?

Father Time Time is the only thing that no one on this Earth can escape, or create. It is the thing we invariably want more of, or wish would go by faster. We are always seeking control of the this uncontrollable element. Interestingly though, for all our desires revolving around time, it is the one resource that most of us waste on a regular basis. Perhaps we have some measure of control over it afterall.

 Why should students sponsor you?

Students should sponsor me because the money is going to an awesome cause, and because I can be pretty crazy (funny) when given liscense to do so. 🙂


Dana Barnes

Why did you enter the pageant?

I was told J but more importantly it is a wonderful opportunity to have fun with our kids and honor our veterans.

If you could have any animal on Earth, which animal would you want? Why?

I would continue to love my lab. They are loving, caring dogs that always get me in a great mood.

What is your favorite sound? Why?

Peace. I love hearing the music of nature, the sounds of the ocean, and the peacefulness of kindness.

If you could have one song stuck in your head, for all eternity, what song would it be? Why?

What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. It has been my theme song for life. Life is so short that it is up to me to make the best of it. Love all. Respect all. Enjoy all.

If you were to write a book, what would you name it? Why?

What I am glad I didn’t know When I was Young. I am glad I have experienced what I have in my life. Without our experiences, we do not become the people we are meant to be.

Why should students sponsor you?

Whatever we can do to show support for NHS and our wounded warriors, we should 🙂


Becky Hamilton

 Why did you enter the pageant? 

Obviously, to win it. I’m a narcissist who just can’t get enough of the spotlight. Really, I blame my mother for not entering me in pageants as a child and forcing me to live out my girlhood dreams this way.

If you could have any animal on Earth, which animal would you want? Why? 

My stuffed chocolate lab puppy, Bernard. Real animals are too much work. Though I had a duck once – she was a pretty great pet. Her (his? I don’t remember) name was Doimiling.

What is your favorite sound? Why? 

I do like it when Elizabeth (my 3 year old) says, “‘nuggle me, Mommy, I yuv you!”

 If you could have one song stuck in your head, for all eternity, what song would it be? Why? 

“Habanera” from Bizet’s Carmen. The greatest aria of all time.

 If you were to write a book, what would you name it? Why?

I did write a book, and I named it White Oak.  But I hate that title. Maybe “Hamlet”? No, that’s taken …

 Why should students sponsor you? 

Because I’ll win. Oh, and it’s great cause. Sponsor me!


Twila Cox

Why did you enter the pageant?

Mr. Krause said I had to—and it’s for a GREAT cause!!! I’m most excited that we are raising funds for Wounded Warrior Project. They do wonderful work for our wounded service members.

 If you could have any animal on Earth, which animal would you want? Why?

I would want a human—I actually already have several. Humans are fairly easy to take care of—they eat just about anything, can live just about anywhere, mostly clean-up after themselves, and can bathe themselves (usually). They are sometimes difficult to deal with when they are upset or don’t get their way and can be quite expensive because of all the accessories you can get for them, but the love, joy, and companionship they provide are beyond measure.

 What is your favorite sound? Why?

I have lots of favorites—I can’t pick just one. I like the sound of my children laughing. I like the sound of thunder and rain. I like the sound of my kitties purring. I like the sounds of nature—especially when no other “man-made” sounds can be heard. I especially like the sound lips make when you squish them together (from corner to corner) like a fish!

 If you could have one song stuck in your head, for all eternity, what song would it be? Why?

“O Praise Him (All This for a King)” by David Crowder.

It’s what we are made to do.

If you were to write a book, what would you name it? Why?

Things My Mother Told Me That I Wish I Had Listened to a Long Time Ago Instead of Learning the Hard Way.

Do I really need to explain why?

 Why should students sponsor you?

I have several family members serving in our nation’s military. I pray that nothing ever happens to them—that they are able to serve our country and return home safely. Wounded Warrior Project serves men and women who have been injured while putting their lives on the line for our freedom. Freedom is not free—and neither is helping those who protect that freedom. Students should sponsor me because these donations honor the sacrifices of these service men and women.


Mika Hudgens

Because Mr. Krause asked me to and since I’ve known him for 15 years, I felt guilty

telling him no when he begged…pllleeeaaasseeee?

 If you could have any animal on Earth, which animal would you want? Why?

German Shepherd   they are my favorite

What is your favorite sound? Why?

My kids laughing. It means they are happy and usually getting along.

 If you could have one song stuck in your head, for all eternity, what song would it be? Why?

10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman It reminds me of what I need to

do each day and the real reason for life.

If you were to write a book, what would you name it? Why?

I won’t write a book, I teach math for a reason. 🙂

Why should students sponsor you?

Because it’s about having fun for a great cause, it’s really about the men and women who

sacrificed so much for us.


Jeana Schweikhard

Why did you enter the pageant?

My dad, both my granddads, and my uncle all are veterans. I cannot imagine how hard it would be for families whose fathers and mothers, sisters or brothers come back from fighting wounded. This world is all about helping each other out. If I can help raise some money for someone else, it is my honor.

 If you could have any animal on Earth, which animal would you want? Why?

I would love to have a wolf. My high school mascot was the Shawnee Wolves. I love how fierce and independent they are but also how they can live in their packs.

 What is your favorite sound? Why?

I love the sound of the piano! It reminds me of my grandmother.

 If you could have one song stuck in your head, for all eternity, what song would it be? Why?

“I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz…one of my favorite songs.

If you were to write a book, what would you name it? Why?

A Ring for Every Memory…it’s a book I started to write when I was young.

 Why should students sponsor you?

Because they never know when life’s gonna happen. We should never take for granted what we have…and how we can help when needed.

(photo not available)

Pam Hrabal

Why did you enter the pageant?

To have fun ‘competing’ against my fellow teachers

If you could have any animal on Earth, which animal would you want? Why?

Miniature dairy cow…they are so cute and can provide free milk!

What is your favorite sound? Why?

Waves crashing at the beach. I love the beach.

If you could have one song stuck in your head, for all eternity, what song would it be? Why?

Amazing Grace….it is a peaceful and inspiring song

If you were to write a book, what would you name it? Why?

How math explains the Universe…math is everywhere and gets a bad rap. People

generally don’t understand how cool math really is.

Why should students sponsor you?

So I can be the Royal Ranger!!!


Cindy Aidoghie

Why did you enter the pageant?

I entered the pageant to support those who go to great lengths to protect my freedom.

If you could have any animal on Earth, which animal would you want? Why?

I would have a falcon named Mordeci. I would like a self-sufficient pet that can also do

my bidding.

What is your favorite sound? Why?

The sound of gentle rain, wind, and thunder. I think that it is relaxing and I love sleeping

in on rainy days or watching movies.

If you could have one song stuck in your head, for all eternity, what song would it be? Why?

Started from the Bottom-Drake. Working hard for what you want and getting to a point

in life where you feel accomplished is something to be proud of. You should surround

yourself with like-minded people who will encourage you get to the place you want to be.

If you were to write a book, what would you name it? Why?

The official Biography of Duane “The Rock” Johnson. Since it is the official biography, I

would meet the Rock. The Rock is one of my favorite people, he has a positive outlook

on life and success that is unique in Hollywood.

Why should students sponsor you?

Besides owning a falcon and meeting The Rock, this would be a dream come true.