
Jaeklyn Montelongo, Staff Reporter

Senior Emily Kaytaz created an Instagram page about two weeks ago where girls send in a picture of their prom dresses to ensure that no students attending prom are wearing the same dress.

With it being the first senior prom she said she felt obligated to start one.

“Well I’ve seen the ones from Boswell and Saginaw, and it seemed only necessary that we had one too,” Kaytaz said.

To post a dress, girls must direct message Kaytaz through the Instagram page. She shares the dress and she said she asked her friend Kaycie Spindor, senior, to spread the word.

Either people hear it through the word of mouth, or see it on their wall.

People tell each other and they pass it on. When someone posts it and someone else sees it, the word spreads.

“Just kind of like a chain reaction thing,” Kaytaz said.

Sophomore Jennifer Gutierrez said she that she decided to be part of the chain.

“Because every girl doesn’t want to have the same dress as someone else,” Gutierrez said. “Especially for prom.”