Not so strict

Administration addresses confusion about prom dress code

Junior Summer Davenport shows off her prom dress. Photo by Nicholas Alvarez.

Nicholas Alvarez and Gaby Rodriguez

Senior Darlin Lopez tried on prom dresses in the fitting room and worried about the dress code.

She said, “I feel like I can’t buy anything because it all would be out of dress code.”

Administration announced the prom dress code at the March 3 senior meeting. They mentioned nothing too low in the front or back, but there has been some confusion since. Some girls have even shown their dresses to administrators to get approval.

“On the one hand we are very strict, but what we have told them is that it is slightly different than your normal day-to-day dress code,” senior principal Daniel Goodner said.

Some girls find the dress code challenging.

“They’re saying no backless and no cleavage and that’s pretty much how all the dresses are,” Lopez said.

Senior Kiley Flood agrees.

“Some of the best looking dresses are gonna be out of dress code,” Flood said.

Some girls didn’t seem to have a problem with the dress code.

Senior Saré Martinez said, “It is a school event so they are trying to keep it under control.”

Martinez said the dress code helped her narrow down the choices. Junior Summer Davenport didn’t mind the dress code either.

“There’s freedom of what you wear, but you can’t be out there,” Davenport said.

Goodner doesn’t anticipate problems with the guys and their tuxedos.

He said, “The basic rule of thumb is we shouldn’t be able to see anything that would normally be covered up by undergarments.”