Threatening post sets school, students on edge

Grace Price, Arts & Entertainment Editor

Fort Worth Police secured the campus this morning after an anonymous Yik Yak user posted a threat against the school shortly before midnight last night.

Anonymous said, “If you go to Chisholm, might wanna hide at 12:40.” Students retweeted the message and tagged the district to get their attention.

“I heard about it being on Twitter,” sophomore Rachel Simpson said. “But I mainly found out about it through gossip at the school.”

School officials sent out two emails,  one early this morning and the other one mid afternoon.

Students like sophomore Skylar Beckham were sharing opinions of the recent events both online and off.

“I don’t think you should threaten a school, especially over social media, because at that point it’s basically just to scare people and it becomes an empty threat,” Beckham said.

It was apparent that news of the threat startled some when around 11:00 a.m. parents started pulling their children out of school for the day.

“I think it’s ridiculous that parents were pulling their kids out of school,” junior Kortney Crowe said. “They would be safer here because we have the police at our school.”

CBS 11 posted news of the threat and the police presence at 12:33 p.m.

While some were comforted by Fort Worth Police being here, sophomore Maddison Herman thinks the presence of a Police force may have been a little too much.

“I think it created more chaos than there needed to be,” Herman said.