Kendal Fowler and Jaeklyn Montelongo

Student Council began the “Operation Be-You-Tiful” campaign earlier this month and hosted a photo booth Feb. 17.


Operation Beautiful is a website, book and national movement started by Caitlyn Boyle that aims to boost self-confidence by leaving anonymous positive messages for young people to see. As part of the campus effort, Student Council hung messages in the lunchroom and all around the halls with messages like, “Hey, good lookin’ ” and “You look handsome today.” For the photo booth, they hung a backdrop in the cafeteria and provided props for students to take photos to upload to their social media sites.

Student Council member Rachael Dickey got the idea after watching neighboring high schools starting the campaign on their campuses. This was the first time Student Council brought the program to campus.

Stuco member Kendyll Slaboda, sophomore, said the posters and photos are intended to “break the boundaries of stereotypes.”

Freshman Darany Vannithone thinks the efforts are working.

“When I see it [campaign posters] it just makes me smile,” Vannithone said. “It’s something cute and I think it’s very nice that people would make that to intentionally make people happy.”


Junior Nura Alsarrawi said she thinks the message is that more people are beautiful than the obvious choices.

Alsarrawi said, “The positivity impacted me a lot because everybody is beautiful and they’re telling them that they are beautiful.”