Regiment rings in

Christopher Salas, Copy Desk Editor

The Ranger Regiment organized a telethon Nov. 11 to raise money for their instruments and private lessons. The band raised over $8,500 in pure profit, raising more money in two hours than they made in a year of baseball concessions.

According to band director John Canfield, most donations ranged from $5-$10, with several donations rising to $100.

The band decided on a telethon in order to avoid selling the standard popcorn and candy bars.

“Dealing with product is horrible,” Canfield said.

The out-of-the-ordinary high school fundraiser allowed the band to avoid “junk” sales, and earned some band members a little something for themselves.

Telethon volunteers won a raffle ticket for every $50 earned. Junior Nathan Krause was awarded the 32” flat screen TV, donated by a parent, by having one of his five tickets pulled after the event.