Hunger for Knowledge

Grace Price, A&E Editor

Lead counselor Mark Hard will host monthly Lunch and Learn meetings in three different computer labs starting Nov. 19. Students may attend the sessions during the first 20 minutes of their lunch period.

The first Lunch and Learn will inform students on how to find and apply for scholarships. Hard said future meetings will depend on what the students want to discuss.

“It can be college-related, it can be post-high school related, it can be social/emotional things,” Hard said. “Each one can be about something totally different.”

According to Hard, Lunch and Learn is a convenient and efficient way to reach students. He didn’t want to interrupt instructional time and wanted every student to have access to counselor advice.

“It really just started from conversations with the counseling department and trying to find ways that we could easily get out information to the students that they wanted to hear about,” Hard said.

Counselors are expecting 90 to 100 students to show up.

“If we  have more than that this time, then we’ll prepare for that next time,” Hard said.