Smells like teen spirit

Grace Price, A&E Editor

Streamers. Confetti. Cheering.

Days after the Up-N-Coming game Sept. 12, Dr. Dana Barnes, principal, came over the speaker during announcements to request that students no longer bring streamers and confetti to home games because it made a mess for the custodians to clean up.

In the same announcement, she called the students “fabulous” for the amount of spirit they showed at the game.

No one has had to ask Rangers to curb their spirit in the past two years. Around the school, people have noticed something a bit different. Like the Nirvana song says, “Smells like teen spirit.”

PALS Spirit Representative Jordyn Noble, senior, believes spirit has increased since the opening of the school because of the school’s new senior class.

“It’s because we’ve been here since the very beginning, so we’re the most spirited about this school,” Noble said. “It’s like our home.”

Phil Schwartz, US Government teacher, also thinks that seniors are more spirited than other classes.

“They’re kind of excited about being the first senior class,” Schwartz said. “So there’s a little more enthusiasm  about taking pride in what they do as far as in the classroom as well as on the fields playing.”

Alexus Robinson, senior, thinks that the upperclassmen  are motivating other grade levels to act more spirited and the change in spirit may be because we have a full school. She has seen the spirit among the student section crowds and at pep rallies.

“I think it’s just because we’re getting used to everything now,” Robinson said. “So everybody’s kinda loosening up.”

Senior Colby Craver believes that school spirit has increased as well.

“There’s a lot more people, it’s more energetic,” Craver said. “People actually don’t really care what others think about them, so they get more excited I guess.”