Out with the old, in with the new

A new school year and new leadership mean a new way of doing things.

A student shows her pass to faculty member Leslie Crook in order to attend Ranger Review time tutorials. Photo by Nicholas Alvarez

Taylor Torres, Opinion Editor

With a new principal comes new school procedures this year.

While this is the third year that the school has been open, seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen flood the campus the first time. New procedures include the addition of bells, a more relaxed approach toward enforcing the dress code, Ranger Review time, and the addition of a “zero period”. Faculty and staff no longer require students to wear IDs around the neck, but rather have them on them if identification is requested.

While upperclassmen are used to the no bell system of the previous two school years and might be unhappy with them, Dr. Dana Barnes, principal,  said that bells aren’t necessarily for the students.

“Bells are not for the students, but for the teachers,” Barnes said. “[They are] what helps remind teachers of the time.”

Barnes said she changed the ID procedure because it’s easier to deal with this way.

Administrators decided that by placing less emphasis on the dress code this school year, students wouldn’t spend as much time in the office for disciplinary actions and would spend more time in the classroom.

Time played into Barnes decision about IDs, also.

“My number one concern is you being in class learning,” Barnes said. She said would rather have students in class learning than in the office waiting for disciplinary measures.

Another change is the optional “zero period,” which is from 8:00 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. that students may use to make up any missed credits or attend tutorials, Barnes said.

Administrators lengthened lunches to 50 minutes to incorporate tutorial time, a twenty-minute Ranger Review Time, at the beginning or end of the lunch period.

Barnes said that she wanted students to be able to attend tutorials to get the academic help that they need without them having to come before school or stay afterward.

“I don’t believe in wasting my time or students’ time,” she said, and she hopes having tutorials during the lunch period will encourage more students to take advantage of Ranger Review Time.