Not-so-easy money

Organizations fundraise with varying success.

History teacher and cheer coach Jennifer Hamzy and math teacher and Student Council sponsor Stacey Flake cancelled the Spring Fling dance Feb. 27 “due to lack of interest.”

This isn’t the first time that Hamzy has dealt with fundraising difficulties.

She organized the dodge ball tournament on January 30-31 to raise money for the senior class of 2015 after having success with the fundraiser she hosted at Boswell. The tournament didn’t meet the goal she set.

Hamzy set a goal of $1000 , but not enough students and staff participated so the goal wasn’t reached. Hamzy said the tournament made $600.

Students like T.K. Powell and Rachael Dickey said they had some difficulty assembling a team that met the requirements.

“I wanted to do it but I couldn’t do it because I couldn’t find a girl,” Powell said.

Dickey said she invited herself to join another team after not getting a team together. Powell admits he could have done more.

“I didn’t try hard enough,” Powell said.

From fewer dances to unmet goals, administrators, coaches and sponsors acknowledge that fundraising on campus is not always easy.

Flake said fundraising in general has not been extremely successful. She said when they cancelled the dance, they had only sold one ticket.

“By not selling any tickets, it wasn’t worth it for us to come up here and just hope that people would show up,” she said.

Principal Mike Schwei said one of the biggest problems was that all the organizations are trying to raise money all at once. Flake agreed.

“To me it’s like you get hit with this thing and then this and then this. And there’s all this money that goes out all the time,” Flake said.

Hamzy thinks students aren’t involved enough with school fundraising even when it’s important for senior fundraising. She said that the seniors will have a lot of expenses besides prom, such baccalaureate, a ceremony that honors the seniors.

Hamzy said, “But the majority of the students don’t choose to participate, and that is a disadvantage to me.”

Although many students decide not to get involved, she acknowledges a good chunk of kids do care.

“I’m really excited for everybody who chose to participate,” Hamzy said.

Assistant Principal Cody Koontz has been watching the junior class raise funds through trash bag sales.

“One of the challenges you face as a class is trying to get everyone to participate,” Koontz said.

The junior class has raised about $2,000.

“Which may not seem like a lot, but that is compared to the nothing that we had before,” he said.

Although efforts have improved, prom doesn’t motivate everyone.

“Part of it is finding relevance for the students so they have a reason to care.”