Senior Dance Picks Up the Pace

Illustration by Savanah Reyes.

Assistant Principal Cody Koontz said there will soon be a junior class meeting to discuss fundraisers for prom, formation of a prom committee, and the election of class officers.

Although the class officers coordinate planning and fundraising for prom, there are currently no class officers. However, applicants turned in necessary forms Thursday for elections late next week.

Knowing that planning must begin soon to have a successful prom, students have begun to express concern about  the prom location.

Juniors Erin Molina and Alexis Briner said they don’t want prom to end up in the cafeteria or gym.

Administration is also worrying about fundraising.

Koontz said Saginaw and Boswell High Schools have suggested prom costs between $30,000 to $35,000. He said that if every student in the junior class were to raise $100 there would be enough for prom.

Koontz is motivating students to gear up for prom fundraising by telling them what will end up happening if no effort is given.

“If you don’t want to have prom in the cafeteria with Coach Koontz and his iPod then we’re going to raise some money,” Koontz said.

Koontz said he wants to emphasize that prom fundraising is a group effort.

“It’s not fair for 30 or 40 kids to put together a great prom and then 360 kids come who did nothing,” said Koontz.

Although some fundraising will require individual efforts, some groups and teams have already played a part in the process.

History teacher and Cheer Coach Jennifer Hamzy recently coordinated a school-wide dodge ball tournament to raise money for the prom.

During the holiday season, the Entrepreneurship class made their own contributions to the fund by selling holiday grams. The fundraiser brought in two hundred and thirty dollars.

The idea of the fundraiser came from a group of students who were “tired of making fake business plans” according to eleventh grader Jessica Olmedo.

Rachael Dickey, a junior interested in becoming a class officer, believes that the fate of prom is up to the students.

“Nobody’s thinking about what’s going to happen next year,” said Dickey. “We just don’t want [prom] to suck.”

Megan Harrison contributed to this article.