New York: If We Can Make It There

Choir and band students plan for a trip to New York.

The band plays at a recent pep rally. Each performance offers another chance to practice for their upcoming trip. Photo by Nicholas Alvarez

During spring break this coming year the Ranger Regiment and Chorale will be traveling to New York.

Although traveling for some rest and relaxation, the band and choir will also sing and play shows with local New York high schools.

While going to New York is the most important part of the trip, how they’re getting there is just as important.

The Ranger Regiment will pay for their trip through concession stand profits and individual band member contributions.

Choir students will be paying for their trip mainly through fund raising. Receiving 40 percent of all profits, the choir is using catalogs to sell cookie dough and other such delicacies.

While in New York the choir will visit many well-known attractions such as Broadway and the National September 11 Memorial and Museum.

Sophomore Kyndall Davis said she is excited to go because she has never been to New York. Sophomore Mayci Drake looks forward to visiting New York with her choir buddies.

“We’re going to get to do fun things with all of our friends,” Drake said.

The excitement to make the trip must motivate students who have to pay for their trip out of their own pocket.

Sophomore Hunter Souvannavong said, “I have to work for the money, even though I’m not 16 yet. I have to do part-time jobs like lawn mowing and washing cars.

Although the fundraising is fun… you get to help people out, and make some money too.”

However, some students are having a bit of an easier time paying their dues for the trip.

Freshman Oscar Gonzalez said, “Right now I’m mowing lawns to pay for 25 percent and all the souvenirs I buy, while my parents are paying the other 75 percent.”