Administration Begins the Process of Selecting Class Government

Class sponsors have volunteered and the voting process soon begins.

Soon administrators will start asking students to get involved in their class government.

On Wednesday August 28, Cody Koontz, assistant principal of the junior class held a meeting with the students that included a brief introduction of what class officers are and what they will do. Some students may not have caught that part of the presentation or understand what it was about.

Since the meeting, assistant principals sent an email asking faculty members to volunteer to be class sponsors. Two were chosen for each class. There are meetings set with the sponsors to decide when these groups will be chosen and get to work.

“One big duty for our class officers will be fundraising for each class,” said Koontz.

Because many students want to be able to have a prom, the main goal is to make sure each class has the money to do so and for juniors, moving ahead quickly is important . However, there will be community service projects as well.

“Hopefully, sometime in the next three weeks we’ll get going so y’all can start raising money,” Assistant Principal David Stubbs said.

Stubbs said prom could cost anywhere from $30,000 to $60,000.

Koontz said that administration wants the officers to be representatives of their class and a “go-between,” voicing student concerns to administration.

With class government handling student concerns and community service projects, some may wonder where current leadership groups, like Student Council, fit in.

Student Council sponsor Stacey Flake said the largest difference between class government and Student Council is that the latter represents the student body as a whole while class governments only represents a particular class. However, Flake wants every group on campus to be represented in Student Council so both groups can work closely together.

Koontz said there is no specific date to apply but he hopes by September 30 the campaign process will have begun.

To apply, students will have to write a promise to their class. During the selection process, grades, discipline, and attendance will be considered before allowing the voting to begin.

Voting will most likely take place during second period following the week after campaigning.

Although there are not specific dates set for these events, administrators have already planned meetings to get the groups formed as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, some juniors have already begun to worry about a prom.

Junior Savanah Reyes says that she would like for prom to be inexpensive and easy for everyone to get to even if it has to be in a simple, safe location.

Another concern among students is that the officers will represent and the implement ideas that everyone will enjoy.

“I would like to see the class officers do something to bring the school together as a family,” said Junior Traeion Fletcher.