80 is the New 70: Do Students Believe It?

On the first day of school, students were informed that the standards have been raised: 80 is the new 70.

Since then, students have faced the reality behind the slogan. What do the words mean?

Teachers have encouraged students to make an 80 or higher, and to achieve that higher average, they will be allowed to make up all work that they failed the first time.

Despite intentions to improve student grades, some students question whether the approach will prove successful.

Junior Jacob Muñoz said that he dislikes the retake policy that one of his teachers has. He said that his teacher makes the students go to two tutorials before allowing them to redo the assignment.

Although it was meant to motivate students to make higher grades, some students believe it’s not working as well as faculty members may have hoped.

“I wouldn’t call it motivation. I call it an inconvenience,” Freshman Braiden Spencer said.

Some people think that the system could be better implemented.

Sophomore Gabbrielle Battista said, “The teacher should call you in before school and say ‘this is what you got wrong,’ and then explain it, instead of saying ‘you failed, take it again, but I won’t tell you why you failed it.’”

Like Battista, Sophomore Dylan Lofton said he thinks teachers should not necessarily force students to retake tests and redo assignments when they only failed by a few points.

“The teachers are a little too pushy,” said Sophomore Dylan Lofton.

While some students aren’t opposed to the new policy, they’re concerned for the people who might not be able to meet the new expectations.

“I was a little bit surprised that they’re going to try to raise their standard because some kids can’t even hit a 70,” Sophomore Christian Lowery said.