Studs May Show, But Shoulders No

Rangers ride with a little more freedom this school year.

Rangers may not wear their facial piercings with pride without discipline consequences. Photo Illustration
Rangers may not wear their facial piercings with pride without discipline consequences. Photo Illustration

Dress code. These two words can cause a world of controversy in schools. Students want the freedom to dress the way they want, but administrators want kids to look modest.

The new dress code allows students to wear facial piercings and colored hair, as long as these don’t cause a distraction to the learning environment.

Although the new dress code has a little more leeway, some kids think there are still some flaws. For example, showing shoulder is still out.

Sophomore Jessica Black said, “I don’t really think shoulders matter that much.”

Sophomore Celeste Clements also takes issue with the see-through shirt rule.

“It gets pretty old having to wear cardigans with dresses,” she said.

Some female students think cardigans and jackets shouldn’t be the only solution.

“I think if you’re wearing a see-through shirt, a dark tank top underneath should be fine,” said

Sophomore Gabby Knowles.

Some students seem satisfied with the dress code changes.

Junior Kalyn Alexander said, “I’m kind of neutral. It doesn’t really affect me too much, but it’s good for people who are into piercings and crazy hair.”

The new mid-thigh skirt length requirement is also popular with some girls.

“I like the rule about mid-thigh skirts because it just works out better for my life,” said Freshman Abigail Tan.

She said some skirts are just a little bit shorter than fingertip length, making it “hard to look cute” without being in violation of the dress code.

Freshman Kacy Wheeler said that at her middle school, holes in jeans were required to have duct tape over them and they weren’t allowed to dye hair or have any piercings other than earrings.

“I think [the new dress code] is pretty fair,” Wheeler said. “It’s more acceptable than the middle school dress code.”

Some faculty members recognize benefits in the new code as well.

“In some ways, it will help because fewer kids will be out of the classroom with discipline issues,” Assistant Principal David Stubbs said. “The emphasis needs to be on academics and doing well. We just need to make sure we have guidelines that people will follow.”