Q&A with Lyberde Parker

Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did you learn?
My grandad because he has been through a lot and he steps out of his way to make sure I’m happy.
Who has had the biggest influence on your life and how?
My mom because she’s working hard to come see me and being able just to be around me all the time.
What are your best memories? Worst memories?
My best memories I have made would be making new friends and enjoying having that type of people in my life to support me through rough times, and my worst memories would be my past life for what happen to me when I was very young and how I lost my leg, and it’s going to be hard for me being reminded again because I was only four months old when I lost my leg and half my right pinky finger.
Who is your favorite relative and why?
My cousins because they love me very much and love to bug me all the time. Even when I’m not on my good days, they try so hard to put a big smile on my face every day and I enjoy that very much.
What are the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?
My answer was to be respectful, be honest, get through hard things and be yourself, not what people want you to be and always be truthful to yourself no matter what the problem will be. We got to get through the rough times and move on.